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How to Throw A 4th of July Party ~ With a Twist

Are you ready to throw a 4th of July party your clients, friends and family won't soon forget? is a fantastic website for financial advisors, giving unique ideas for improving your practice. In an article posted on the website last week, an idea for a great 4th of July party for your clients was shared.

The key part of client appreciation events is to make them memorable experiences for your clients. With that being said, think about this opening sentence from the article: "The U.S. Constitution is the foundational text of our great country and its amazing, self-renewing American Dream. It's the bible to our civil religion…The operating rules for the successful operation of the longest-running Democracy in history… Yet, I believe you'd be hard-pressed to find a copy of it in very many homes in this country. It's the most important, largely invisible document in America!"

Now onto how to use this fact at your upcoming 4th of July party... From, naturally, your party will mostly be like all other Fourth of July parties: cookout, drinks, fun and games if kids are around, sports events like horseshoes, badminton, softball, Frisbee; and fireworks. But you might want to take a few moments to call everyone together and ask them to participate in a short, patriotic moment. After all, the reason everyone is there is because we're celebrating the birth of the nation.

Here are some ideas of what might come next: Make a short speech, thank everyone for coming and tell them you wanted to take just a minute to ask everyone to reflect on the meaning of the Fourth of July. Contact me today for a few examples of what this speech may sound like. Once done with the speech, thank them for coming and offer direct them to a table where they can receive a copy of the U.S. Constitution.

Remember on this 4th of July what the celebration is all about. Take time to remember the fact with your family, your friends and your clients. And enjoy the holiday - you definitely deserve it.

Stay Focused.

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